On the Road Again

'On the road again, goin' places that I've never been, seein' things that I may never see again.' Just like Willie Nelson, I had a long day of travelling.  After a journey of bus - ferry - bus - ferry - bus, I finally arrived in Korcula (pronounced Korchula), but I had some stops for fun, food and alcohol along the way.

The first leg was by bus from Bol to Sumartin in Brac to catch a ferry to Makarska on mainland Croatia. Arriving in Sumartin, the tour director let us know that we had an hour to fill in but that there nothing much here.  Nothing much here but charm and 'boat' loads of it! I have a love of  run-down houses, doors, windows and gates so I often take photos of these. I'm sure a lot of people think I'm a bit nuts. It seems I am getting an old boat fixation too.

Fishing boat at Sumartin

Fishing boat at Sumartin

Sumartin Harbour

Sumartin Harbour

The green door

The green door

Sumartin shutters

Sumartin shutters

Finally the ferry arrived in Makarska (back on Mainland Croatia) and I boarded the bus to head off for the next ferry. It was a long drive so we pulled over for a pit stop and, as the tour director puts it, a 'flourishing'.  To our very pleasant surprise, he broke out some wine & cheese.  I think I like this flourishing business! 

To get to our Makarska ferry, we had to go through Bosnia. Living in a country as vast as Australia which shares no country borders, it feels so strange to me to be going through different countries so quickly and easily without hopping on a plane. In Neum, Bosnia, I stopped for lunch and tried out the national dish of cevapici which is a grilled, skinless sausage.  This one was made from veal. Just so you know I'm not too much of a porky, this platter was shared between three. Strange national dish if you ask me but tasted pretty good.   

Getting my flourishing on with wine in a paper cup.

Getting my flourishing on with wine in a paper cup.



The next Croatian regions we drove through are known for their orange groves and vineyards so it was only appropriate that the last stop before the ferry was for some liqueur and wine tasting. The liqueurs had some unusual flavours - walnut, pomegranate, rose and carob in additional to the more familiar strawberry and cherry (see feature photo).  I couldn't help myself and bought a rose and carob liqueur to bring home.

Finally I arrived at the last ferry where I decided to celebrate with an ice cream while waiting for it to board. As if I didn't eat & drink enough already today!  

I look forward to seeing what Korcula has to offer tomorrow.
